Zandari Festa hosts four (4) Hungarian talents this year
September 18, 2019 3:45 pmThe Hungarian and South-Korean diplomacy celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and thanks to the Embassy of Hungary in South-Korea, we were able to set a spotlight for emerging Hungarian talents in Seoul’s very own Zandari Festa in this year as well. On the 26th of September, Mary Popkids, Fran Palermo, Gébert-Ulbert Project and Bohemian Betyars will play MUV Hall: the event has been planned to Con-Vent, but due to the massive interest, the organizers upgraded the venue to accommodate as much professionals and music lovers as possible. Bohemian Betyars starts their annual Asian tour in Seoul, but all the acts will play several shows during their stay in South-Korea. You can find the full programme on the website of Zandari Festa.
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This post was written by Péter Kancsár
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