BUSH brings you a conference to remember
November 13, 2019 1:30 pmBudapest Showcase Hub is the first international showcase festival in Hungary since RegiON, held for the fourth time in 2019 and the main goal of the event is not only to connect the regions’ professional players but also to create new relationships and discussions of the ongoing challenges of the industry as well.
After last years’ annual focus on Germany, our actual guest spotlight went for the Austrian market, since Waves Vienna also gave the same opportunity for the Hungarian contemporary music – and it’s also visible that both markets are key targets for those acts who’d like to build up their international presence in the future. Gran Turismo, the emblematic one-on-one session event of BUSH also returns for international guests to meet promoters and festival organizers of the region.
And talking about new frontiers, this will be the first year when HOTS is responsible for the conference programme of the event in cooperation with the organizers of BUSH. The main aim of this collaboration can be described by motivating the local stakeholders to learn and adapt to international best practices at all relevant sectors. This years’ conference programme has 46 panelists from 19 countries, while the agenda focuses on workshops and listening sessions as well along with delegates as Philippe Weiss (mixer of Madonna, Kendrick Lamar or Red Hot Chili Peppers), Duncan Smith (music supervisor at Sony PlayStation) and Michael Pelczynski (SoundCloud).
The list of the involved panelists consists of (in alphabetical order):
Antal Dániel (CEEmid), Baumann Eszter-Anna (JBM Events), Boudillet Yvan (TheLynk), Carole Titus (Electric Castle, Chudzio Radek (Fource), Dee Arne (LiveDMA), Dobrovics Brenda (Rock For People), Dumolin Roxane (ATC Live), Gosset Didier (IMPALA), Gross Sally-Anne (University of Westminster), Heimdal Henriette (CDBaby), Hergovich Franz (Music Austria), Horvát Dániel (A38 Ship), Horváth Máté (DDW Music), Horváth Renátó (Eastaste), Jeges Zsolt (Atomic CEE), Jónás Vera (singer-songwriter), Juhász Edina (Index.hu), Kólya Dániel (Budapest Park), Kozma Kata (producer), Kretz Seppl (Sizzer), Lelkes András (Hangveto), Luedy Geir Steen-Olsen (MADE Mgmt.), Lupes Anca (Mastering the Music Business), Makumi Kamau (Mary Popkids), Mondik Gábor (Creative Europe), Oszkó-Jakab Natália (Valley of Arts), Pelczynski Michael (SoundCloud), Phamgia Elise (Liveurope), Pisters Jack (Amsterdam Conservatorium), Plovanic Edo (muzika.hr), Ranovich Suzanne (Banding), Rusjan Miran (MENT), Siebens, Jeroen (Radioplugging.eu), Sladek Michal (Pohoda Festival), Smith Blayne (Banger TV), Smith Duncan (Sony PlayStation), Somló Dániel (Eastaste), Starcevic Maja (EXIT Festival), Sullivan-Kaplan David (United Talent Agency), Süli András (Campus Festival), Szokolai Zsolt (Music Moves Europe), Tschürtz Hannes (Ink Music), von Walterkirchen Isabelle (LiveDMA), Weiss Philippe (mixer), Weyer Balázs (Hangveto), Wickström David-Emil (Mannheim Popakademie)
And if you’re curious about emerging Hungarian talents, be sure to catch Belau, Mary Popkids, Myra Monoka, OHNODY, skeemers, SONYA, The Qualitons and Trillion during your stay in Budapest!
Categorised in: News
This post was written by Péter Kancsár
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