Új nemzetközi pályázati felhívások!
August 30, 2023 12:12 pmÖsszesen 54 millió forintra írt ki pályázatot az NKA Hangfoglaló Program Kollégiuma a Nemzetközi Piacra Lépést Támogató Alprogram keretében. Külföldi koncertekre,
Összesen 54 millió forintra írt ki pályázatot az NKA Hangfoglaló Program Kollégiuma a Nemzetközi Piacra Lépést Támogató Alprogram keretében. Külföldi koncertekre,
A Petőfi Media Group Könnyűzenei Igazgatósága által működtetett NKA HOTS (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes) könnyűzenei exporttal foglalkozó programiroda idén 4. alkalommal
To celebrate musical export, alongside Platon Karataev, Azahriah represented Hungary at Eurosonic in Groningen, Netherlands. The showcase festival and music
The Budapest Showcase Hub (BuSH), Hungary’s only club festival specializing in Eastern European bands, will take place between October 19th
OIEE was one of the performers at the regional reception of CEEntral Party held within the framework of Eurosonic. Besides
Böbe Szécsi participated in the Waves Vienna showcase festival with the support of HOTS (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes). We asked the
HOTS (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes) prepared aspiring professionals in the music industry for a conference visit with the help of experienced
HOTS (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes) also recommended Platon Karataev for this year’s Eurosonic showcase. The band’s conscious development led them to
After being established in September last year, the Croatian Music Export Office (We Move Music Croatia) has now announced the
In March IMPALA (Independent Music Companies Association) announced the 2023 edition of its ‘100 Artists to Watch’ list, which puts